Monday, December 18, 2006


The success of the elite in installing the North American Union begins with controlling the mind of the people. His speech was one or "rationalizing away" the principle of sovereignty. This is something that the Council on Foreign Relations has long been calling for as seen in the statement of Richard Haass, CFR President, who said "State sovereignty must be altered in a globalized era".


The cloak of the North American Union, fashioned in secrecy, will be thrown over an unsuspecting public, erasing the borders of three countries. Mexico, which already has legions of its citizens living and working inside America, is, in effect already inside the NAU. Their governments will inform the American and Canadian people that there is no option but the bread line. --Judi McLeod

Revere Radio : News -

Wednesday, December 6, 2006


American Free Press has learned that a group of foreign companies, which currently lease a toll road in Indiana and are looking at buying up other highways across the country, has its eyes on the Trans-Texas Corridor, or TTC. --Mark Anderson

Saturday, December 2, 2006


Friday, December 1, 2006


I want to know - and the American public should demand to know - where does the Bush administration get the congressional authorization to invite two foreign nations to the table to rewrite U.S. law?

The Bush administration is trying to create the infrastructure for a new regional North American government in stealth fashion, under the radar and out of public view. Congress has unequivocally been asleep at the wheel.

It is incredible but, if this template is followed, just four years from now, the United States may cease to exist as an independent nation. Its laws, rules and regulations - including all freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution - will be subject to review and nullification by the North American Union's unelected governing body.

There will no longer be a Canadian or Mexican border. --Karen S. Johnson is a Republican member of the Arizona Senate representing District 18. She lives in Mesa, Arizona.
Tucson Citizen - Tucson,AZ,USA

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Blurred Borders: Objective of North American Union

What about all the repeated promises by the White House and Congress to make border security America's "top priority"? Moving Customs inspections hundreds of miles inland obviously contradicts those promises and incalculably increases the opportunities for smugglers (of drugs, illegal aliens, terrorists, weapons of mass destruction, and other contraband) to enter the country. -- Kelly Taylor, Austin-based writer and filmmaker

Friday, November 17, 2006



Follow the money, follow the power
Discern illusion from reality, especially with media outlets
Listen to experts who offer a meaningful critique
Study & verify sources and footnotes
Apply liberal doses of common sense

What is Globalization? It is the collective effect of purposeful and amoral manipulation that seeks to centralize economic, political, technological and societal forces in order to accrue maximum profit and political power to global banks, global corporations and the elitists who run them.

"Free Trade" is the central mantra. Globalization is set against national sovereignty, closed borders, trade tariffs and anything that would restrict its goals and methods used to achieve them.

Globalization promotes regional and global government, a one-world economic system of trade and a form of fascism where global corporations and their elite control the policies and directives of individual governments.

The original and primary perpetrators of modern-day globalization number only in the 100's, representative of which, but not exclusively, are members of The Trilateral Commission. --

View these links to the "Other Side" of the Nafta Superhighway:

Thursday, November 16, 2006

While We Sheeple Slept ...

Yes, while we sleep or watch television or sit in a bar or shop for kids' milk or go to work or pay bills or prepare mac'n'cheese, the so-called elites or globalists are very busy with their charge to form a less perfect union. They are intent on establishing injustice, insuring domestic chaos, eliminating our common defense, degrading the general welfare, and thwarting the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. While every true reason is hidden, buried for the penultimate success in uniting Mexico, Canada, and the United States as one leviathan entity, dubbed the North American Union, they assemble in secret to plot their agendas in dissolving the American Way of Life for the global stockpile of wealth and power. With that inconceivable merger in place, they can then set their sites on realizing their ultimate goal: One World Government.

Providing the keynote address (on the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks) during their chat in Alberta, Canada at the Banff Springs Hotel was Donald Rumsfeld, then-Secretary of Defense, U.S. Department of Defense. (Banff is world-renowned for its scenic beauty and historic past. Lake Louise, the Banff Springs hotel, spectacular golf courses, ski hills and a lot more are all within a two-hour driving radius.) Also representing the U.S. in Alberta was Former U.S. Secretary of State George Schulz.

As a crucial aside: Major globalists, we ought to note, are well connected to the multibillion dollar pharmaceutical industry. Rummy owns over $5 million in stock in Gilead Sciences, the company that developed Tamiflu® and sold it to Roche, the pharmaceuticals giant. George Schulz owns more than $7 million in Gilead Sciences stock and unlike Rummy, actually sits on the company’s board. -- Steven Yates

Steven Yates -- Quietly, Quietly Building the North American Union

(Media reports about the supply of the drug Tamiflu teemed as fears of a global bird flu pandemic mounted.) Pandemic: An epidemic (a sudden outbreak) that becomes very widespread and affects a whole region, a continent, or the world. Ever wonder what would happen to Tamiflu stock if such a horrific disaster were to occur? Which demons would then be the winners in that apocalyptic scenario?

A sampling of current Internet headlines warning the public about the imminent dangers of the North American Union and its insidious facilitator, Nafta Superhighway, illustrates segments of the work accomplished by the elistists thus far:

-- THE NEW WORLD DISORDER' WorldNetDaily: 'North American Union' major '08 issue?

-- America in danger unless citizens step in

--Texans Will Stand Up To North American Union Land Grab

--Congressman: Concentration Camps "On the Books" for the Amerika of ...

-- Gov. Rick Perry Does Texas Two-Step Around NAFTA Super Highway

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Consider this: Per capita income in the U.S. is $41,800; in Canada, $34,000; in Mexico, $10,000.

Were these three economies "homogenized," as is the goal of the trade agreements and the Security and Prosperity Partnership, the per capita income of all three nations would be $28,000.

It's not hard to see who wins, and who loses.

The first responsibility of the U.S. government is to the people of the United States. These tri-lateral agreements are not for the benefit of Americans, but for the benefit of others. We used to have a name for governments that took wealth from those who had it for redistribution to those who didn't. Once, it was called communism, socialism or worse. Now it is called NAFTA, CAFTA and the Security and Prosperity Partnership. --Henry Lamb

WorldNetDaily: Watching government eliminate our borders


WorldNetDaily: NAFTA superhighway to mean Mexican drivers, say Teamsters

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Wake Up America USA -

Why The Media Blackout?

David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, had this to say at a Bilderbergers Meeting in 1991: “We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications, whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

Stop the Security and Prosperity Partnership -

Monday, November 13, 2006

Will You Change A Dollar For An AMERO?

The “Amero,” is the name of the new currency proposed by Robert Pastor, a vice chairman of the CFR task force that produced the report “Building a North American Union.”

It will replace the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar and the Mexican peso. --American Free Press

CFR Making Moves


To view conceptualization of the Super Highways now underway to connect the United States, Canada, and Mexico, go to NAFTA Super Highway Map. This system is designed to help bring about the creation of a North American Union similar to the European Union. Though the North American Union would devastate the American middle class, the Super Highways are being touted as facilitating free trade and bringing about prosperity in the three countries. --The New American

Protect The Sanctity Of Our Country

From sea to shining sea. And everything between. From coast to coast. And all who thrive here. We must preserve the sanctity of our borders. May neither one man nor group create a "diversity" that threatens to destroy our hard-fought way of life.

How To Defend Our Country

Stop the North American Union - H. CON. RES. 487

Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway System or enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada. Submitted by Admin on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 4:02am.

Stop the North American Union - H. CON. RES. 487 HOA Nut House

Contact Congress here

Sunday, November 12, 2006

When Countries Collide

“This plan appears to have been assembled under the watchful eye of U.S government agencies, dozens of state agencies, and scores of private non-governmental organizations working behind the scenes to create this NAFTA super highway, despite the lack of comment by President Bush. The American public is largely asleep to this key piece of the coming North American Union that government planners in the new trilateral region of the United States, Canada and Mexico are about to drive into reality” (Quoted from article by Jerome R Corsi in Human Events, posted January 12, 2006).

Joe Kress -- NAFTA Superhighway Begins Construction Next Year

What the Future May Bring

It is incredible, but just four years from now — if the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) template is followed — the United States may cease to exist as an independent political entity. Its laws, rules, and regulations — including all freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution — will be subject to review and nullification by the North American Union's governing body. Sure, the United States will still be here in name. American soldiers will still fight, mostly, under the U.S. flag. There will be a U.S. president and both houses of Congress will continue to meet and pass legislation. Nevertheless, in very important ways, the United States will become nothing more than a province — albeit an important one — in the emergent North American superstate.

Creating the North American Union

Adios United States

"By 2010, the integration of Mexico, Canada and the U.S. will be almost complete. Congress and the media will not know what happened. Americans will be as clueless as ever; thanks to the complicity of the brain-dead media, the triumph of a bloodless bureaucratic elitist coup will become a reality, or close to it." -- Diane Alden"President Bush signed a formal agreement that will end the United States as we know it, and he took the step without approval from either the U.S. Congress or the people of the United States." --Lou Dobbs Tonight"President Bush is pursuing a globalist agenda to create a North American Union, effectively erasing our borders with both Mexico and Canada. This was the hidden agenda behind the Bush administration's true open borders policy....Why doesn't President Bush just tell the truth? His secret agenda is to dissolve the United States of America into the North American Union." --Jerome Corsi

North American Union: Remaking Three Nations

North American Union: Remaking Three Nations

Fading Of the Lines...

CFR/Bilderberg Plan To Erase US Borders Finally Gets Attention

Who's Who in Merging North America?

Attendance list North American forum -- Donald Rumsfeld, George Schultz among U.S. officials on roster


Why do we never hear the news that matters on network or cable stations? When was the last time you heard anything mentioned about Nafta Super Highway or North American Union?

English Finally Official in Arizona

Anti-Illegal Immigration Propositions Get Thumbs-Up Nov 10, 2006 08:52 AM By J.D. Wallace, KOLD News 13 Reporter

Our physical border might not be the toughest, but Arizona voters have approved more legal barriers to those who cross illegally. "It's a disaster. I think it's shameful," said Isabel Garcia, with Derechos Humanos. "I think it shows you (they want) to have this done, wants to go in the right direction," said Minuteman Civil Defense Corps vice president Carmen Mercer. The first proposition on the ballot, Proposition 100, denies bail to illegal immigrants who are charged with serious felonies. Being an illegal immigrant is a felony, which means more could show up at the Pima County Jail. "If you're here illegally, you don't have that right to get bail," Mercer said.

Prop 102 denies anyone here illegally from receiving punitive damages in a lawsuit, whether hurt on someone's property, or hit by a drunk driver. "Why should they be entitled if they're here illegally, well, it's really easy for us to say they're here illegally, when, again, we have created this phenomenon," Garcia said. "If you're here illegally, then you don't have any rights, and if anything happens to you in an accident, no, you shouldn't be able to sue," Mercer said. Prop 103 makes English the official language of the state of Arizona, meaning all official business must be conducted in English. There are a few exceptions, but immigrant rights activists say it is open to discrimination. "When I deal with the public, deal in this state, deal in this country, English is the language I have to understand," Mercer said. "It's really interesting that they argue that English will unify us more while in other propositions they deny access to classes to learn English," Garcia said. Prop 300 not only denies illegal immigrants access to adult literacy programs and other publicly funded social services, but if someone goes to high school here without legal documentation and wins a scholarship, or wants in-state tuition to a state university or college, forget it. "I thought that education was not something that somebody's trying to steal, like a prize. I always thought that education was something that we as a country prized," Garcia said. "I firmly believe if you come into this country legally, you should have all the help you can get, and then benefit from these programs, but only once you're legal," Mercer said. What the Minutemen really want is a secure border. Those opposing these propositions, such as Derechos Humanos, say they'll challenge the measures not only in the courts, since that didn't change Prop 200, but they also want to educate the public more about what they will do, and also hope to add political pressure that way.